“Imagine… A Couple Years From Now, You Get a Letter From The Internal Revenue Service…

You’re being audited...

Now, you’re about to find out just how much you DIDN’T know about taxes and trading.

Because if you don’t have your taxes in order, we’re talking garnished paycheck, lien on your house, forget that new car.

But, you’re good.

You only made or lost a few thousand.

How bad can it really be?

How about “it takes the next couple of years of your life to clean up the mess” bad?

But, the IRS is really busy, you say.

This nightmare won’t ever happen to you.

You’re a small fish.

They only hunt whales.


Wanna bet your financial future on it?

Let’s be real for a minute.

You’re not a tax cheat or hiding money in offshore accounts.

But, the IRS is a very unique agency.

When you deal with them, you’re GUILTY until you prove yourself innocent.

You do have a few rights, like the right to hand them really big checks, the right to look like a crook and the right to spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to defend yourself.

The worst part?


But What If You Applied The Same Education Principles To Your Taxes As You Do To Your Trading?

To truly learn stock trading, you studied, probably paper-traded and watched for your favorite patterns to develop.

Some don’t work out the way you hoped, but most do.

You were smart enough to know that there was a lot that you didn’t know and that education was the simple way to take money from less educated traders.

It’s the same with your taxes.

If you take the time to learn or require that your tax preparer does… you can leave the audits for those same losing traders.

So, if you’re one of those dumb traders, close your browser and go back to whatever you were doing.

Otherwise, let’s talk.

What you need is an expert.

Someone who knows this stuff like you know supernovas.

Someone who’s a Tim Sykes student as well!

Someone who lives and breathes tax rules.

And, you probably want an above average tax expert, right?

Maybe even someone who criminals and tax cheats are afraid of?

It’s Time You Met The Forensic Accountant Who Understands Trading (& Hates The IRS)...

I’m Tracy Coenen.

I’m a Tim Sykes student, stock trader, tax expert, and forensic accountant.

I’ve personally investigated several hundred frauds in a wide variety of industries… embezzlement, financial statement fraud, investment fraud, divorce and family law, and insurance fraud. I’ve also served as an expert witness in numerous cases in state and federal courts involving damage calculations, commercial contract disputes, shareholder disputes and criminal defense.

I’m also..

  • A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) – Licensed in Wisconsin (1999) & Illinois (2004)
  • Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF)
  • A Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF)

Plus, not to brag… I hold a Master of Business Administration and Honors Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Law Studies.


I’m a total nightmare for the IRS.

But I’m also the one responsible for this course - Traders and Taxes.

I specifically designed it for you.

It’s built exclusively for stock traders who want to maximize the money that they keep, exploit every loophole in the tax code, and stay off the IRS radar when audit season comes around.

Here’s How I Can Help You Keep More of Your Money...

I recorded TEN hours of video lessons that will help you avoid the IRS, keep more money, and leverage the tax laws relevant to you as a trader.

  • Tutorials and easy to understand and apply tactics.
  • See how the IRS views different types of traders....
  • Enjoy a deep dive into mark-to-market accounting and shorts….
  • Reviews of different types of legitimate tax deductions available to you.
  • How to plan for taxes & do bookkeeping…
  • Training on tax forms, PLUS actual IRS court cases…
  • Tactics for REDUCING your tax burden…
  • A TON of checklists & forms for recording expenses & prepping for tax returns…
  • A breakdown of key tax topics, including audits…
  • Real-world case studies of the good, the bad, and the ugly…
  • Inside tips that the IRS won’t ever share!

Of Course - You Get a BONUS Gift...

As an added bonus for getting my course, you also get a book.

It’s packed with the information you’re going to want to avoid those nasty audits or at least be prepared, if you get an audit notice from the IRS.

For example, did you know that there are 3 different types of tax audits?

Of course you didn’t.

You can deduct those new computer monitors you bought for your trading station, right?

Well, it depends.

And this book is the BIBLE of trader tax guidance.

This isn’t one of those $9.99 books that have lots of pretty pictures and no meat.


In fact, although this book isn’t as big as the tax code manuals, any trader with half a brain would JOYFULLY pay $199 for it.

Think about it. Would you trade a couple hundred bucks to save thousands and avoid spending long days with those fun IRS auditors?

Yeah, you would.

Be as smart with your taxes as you are with your trading and order Traders and Taxes right now.

You get INSTANT access to everything today… the videos, the book, all of it for a one-time payment of $197.

It’s either that, or, roll the dice with the IRs and potentially stand to lose thousands…

I’ll see you inside the course.


- Tracy